We then read scriptures and then it's time for chores; make beds, unload/load dishwasher, pick up rooms etc...usually they end up following me from room to room but they are getting better about it, especially Ryleigh ever since I told her that she could whine and complain all she wants but only in the "complaining room", which is her room of course and I have been showering her with complements and praise when she isn't complaining, heck she even gets to put a marble in the jar.
After chores, (which is really never ending, but you gotta stop somewhere)I take turns with Ryleigh and Tegan on things they need to be working on. For Ryliegh that's sight words (it, up, said, go, two, the, three, four, etc.) written on note cards. For Tegan its letter recognition and PBSkids.org at his request.
We then will go on a bike ride or jump on the tramp (if it's not too hot, I think I need to re-arrange my schedule and put it first thing in the morning either that or wait till November.
That takes us up to about lunch time. After that I am ready for bed (Ha Ha) I actually don't know what to do after that so I need to get them into some activities, because if they are idle for too long thats when bickering starts and my temper flares.
We did end up going to the Library that is on post today. I don't know what it is about going places and doing things that are on post that intimidates me so bad. I almost decided not to go because I have this fear of everything being militant in the military - If we are not quiet enough are the librarians going to drop us and make us do push-ups? I know it's dumb and it turned out to be like any other library, infact, the librarian was very nice and helpful. So the scary, nazi, library award goes to the Larson-Sant Library. Sorry Prestonites.
We did end up going on a bike ride this evening because it was not as hot as usual and Ry and Tegan found a turtle on the sidewalk. It was almost the same size as the giant cockroach I saw scurry across the ground in the storage shed. YIKES! Quite the range of wildlife they got here.
Subject A
Don't let the cuteness disctract you from the fineprint on the shirt, "little Miss Firecracker" is an understatement.
The measures I have taken to confine said "Firecracker". see subject A above
Yet another device for containment gone bad. Notice what was left behind in the keyhole. Yup, its half the key.
Like I've said a hundred times, You are Amazing. Keep it up!